
Pavliks Pictures

All of my pictures can be printed on Metal, Professional Paper, Fine Art Paper, Fine Art Canvas as well as framed. ----- Why purchase my prints? Great question and one you should ask anyone trying to sell you their prints. Assuming you appreciate the subject matter, composition and the feeling it provides you when viewing, you want to make sure the picture looks sharp rather than soft or blurry. Quality prints start with excellent digital files that have a high enough pixel count as well as exposed correctly. All of my prints are printed at 250 pixels per inch to uphold that quality. ----- To give an example, a picture that was created at a resolution of 8192 pixels by 5464 pixels will produce a print that is 32.77 inches by 21.86 inches when printed at 250 pixels per inch. In addition, quality pictures require excellent lenses to render the image with the clarity necessary to produce a high quality pictures and in the case of aviation have a long reach. Cameras and lenses that I employ in photo creation equal and/or exceed these standards. ----- You can see some of my highly detailed pictures on my Instagram account and how detailed my pictures are as I zoom in towards the pilot in the cockpit. If you wish to print an image larger than I offer, please contact me and I will discuss as to how much larger it can be printed to maintain sharpness, with the understanding that you will have to view the picture from a greater distance, something that is the norm for very large prints. ----- Thank you for spending the time considering purchasing one of my pictures and if you see a picture that I have not provided for sale here yet is on my Instagram account, contact me so I can make it available to you.
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